Hi-ho, Hi-ho, Time for NaNoWrimo …

It’s that time again.

There was never any doubt for me that I was going to take another stab at Nano this year.  I’ve started three times and “won” once and now I’m taking the novel I started last year (“The Greening”, if you’re playing along at home), tossing the little bit I had done and starting all over again.

I was kicking around the idea of writing enough short stories to put together an anthology, but I don’t think I’d get to 50,000 and I’d really like to win this year. I also had a couple more novel ideas in the fire, but this one is the one I keep thinking about and had a revelation about, so I’m taking a second crack at it.

I’m also hoping this helps me get back into gear with writing.  My plan is to use my lunch hours and my laptop to work this month. I think I can knock out slightly less than 1,700 words, if things go well and my muse smiles on me.

If you’re Nanoing too, I’m TEC_4 and I’d enjoy teaming up with you on our voyage through November.  Write on!

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